Solutions Informatique LOGICWARE
email      |     Phone 819.416.0688

LOGICWARE, with the help of a working group, created a web portal to effectively manage accidents involving vehicles, mainly in the ambulance companies, and also produce daily different statistics that reflect the evolution of the situation within the fleet.

Solution Overview

Business needs and challenges

  • Develop a road safety package that meets the standards of the SAAQ and ambulance companies management policies.
  • Centralize the information needed in the management of collisions, through the receipt of information, analysis of information and the implementation of measures to reduce the collision rate.
  • Must meet the standards and the SAAQ policies, as prescribed in the PECVL (the Act respecting Owners, Operators and Drivers of Heavy Vehicles, known as the Act 430).

Solutions :

  • Designing a fully configurable web portal for entering accident reports in accordance with standards established by the SAAQ prescribed in PECVL.
  • Production statistics on demand and instantly.

Avantages clés

  • Use single web portal that meets organizational reality of companies.
  • Production on demand dashboards and statistics needed for vehicle fleet management (number of collisions according to different criteria and amount of collisions).
  • Meets and SAAQ policies, as prescribed in the PECVL.

The problems in accounting for accidents

Companies experiencing issues concerning the monitoring of various accidents issued reports, and the production of different statistics.
The data contained in the reports are usually recorded manually, and then transcribed in different EXCEL spreadsheets to produce the statistics required by companies. The manipulation of information then has a very large risk of error at the transcript, which impacts the accuracy of the statistics.
In addition, the production of statistics becomes laborious because it requires a continual validation of transcribed data, causing considerable loss of time and additional costs for companies.

Accident Management Portal = a solid business solution

To meet the current needs, we first designed a few months a working prototype base of what might look like the portal, while respecting the standards and policies of the SAAQ, as prescribed in the PECVL. Although limited, the prototype was satisfactory; already delivered more than the manual system allowed. The reports were entered in the portal and the statistics were available simultaneously. In addition, the prototype product was consistent with the standards and policies of the SAAQ, as prescribed in the PECVL.
The proof of concept is made to a major ambulance company, we then started designing a generic accident management portal can be used by any type of business, with the help of a working group . The involvement of the working group has been very beneficial to validate the gate throughout the design process and provide a deliverable in line with expectations and requirements of the standards and the SAAQ policies, as prescribed in the PECVL.

Ultimately, the developed portal allows you to:

  • Secure access to the portal and given to employees by a connection identification and management roles;
  • Manage values of each list of choices available in the accident report by the company to standardize statistics;
  • Manually manage employees and vehicles, or synchronize them with business systems;
  • Manage a complete accident report, similar to the paper version, which:
    • Allows you to add a note to reports;
    • To attach files / supporting documents to each report;
    • Allows you to graphically indicate the impact zones on the damaged vehicle;
    • Includes accident reports review process.
  • Get a complete history of accidents per employee or vehicle;
  • Produce multiple dashboards and statistics (user configurable), including:
    • Reconciliation collisions over 3 years;
    • Collision statistics between two dates, including the amount of damages;
    • Changes in claims by year (calendar), date (calendar), seniority, tax period.

Want to know more?

Ask for a demonstration by our team of experts. See how a solution such as accident management can help you effectively manage accidents involving vehicles.

Contact us to arrange a presentation and demonstration.

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